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Ligue de Hockey Simulée avec les Roster 08-09
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 San Jose Sharks

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Messages : 57
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2008

San Jose Sharks Empty
MessageSujet: San Jose Sharks   San Jose Sharks Icon_minitimeMar 2 Déc - 19:03

Pro team facts Farm team facts
Average age: 26 (25) yrs Average age: 23 (24) yrs
Average height: 6-1 (6-0) Average height: 6-0 (6-1)
Average weight: 206 (196) Average weight: 192 (193)
(league average)

The team is currently trying to build the organization and is looking for youth over veterans.
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Jonathan Cheechoo 84 73 78 28 2500000 4
Milan Michalek 74 71 73 24 4333300 4
Mike Grier 63 74 72 33 1775000 2
Devin Setoguchi 67 64 68 21 450000 2
Riley Armstrong 45 56 57 23 470000 2
John Laliberte 51 45 55 24 450000 2
Jonathan Tremblay 25 60 53 24 465000 3
Mike Morris 52 33 52 25 525000 2
Ashton Rome 45 45 52 22 780000 3
They are looking for a 1st line right wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Joe Thornton 93 76 85 29 7200000 3
Patrick Marleau 85 72 81 28 4000000 5
Jeremy Roenick 74 74 76 38 850000 2
Curtis Brown 62 74 71 32 1350000 6
Marcel Goc 63 74 71 24 1200000 1
Joe Pavelski 74 71 71 24 450000 2
Logan Couture 68 67 70 19 450000 2
Torrey Mitchell 70 73 70 23 1250000 3
Tom Cavanagh 51 54 58 26 525000 3
Mike Iggulden 56 45 56 25 850000 6
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Lukas Kaspar 65 72 70 22 1600000 1
Ryane Clowe 68 72 68 25 1150000 1
Mathieu Darche 65 45 62 31 525000 3
Tomas Plihal 56 46 58 25 1500000 1
Jamie McGinn 42 42 52 19 750000 2
Tyler McGregor 46 42 51 25 450000 1
Frazer McLaren 34 46 50 20 600000 2
John McCarthy 34 40 48 21 450000 2
Tony Lucia 41 41 48 20 450000 3
P.J. Fenton 40 40 46 22 450000 3
They are looking for a 1st line left wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Rob Blake 75 81 80 38 6000000 2
Dan Boyle 76 76 77 32 3600000 3
Kyle McLaren 53 80 75 31 2500000 2
Christian Ehrhoff 63 74 70 26 1400000 5
Marc-Édouard Vlasic 57 72 68 21 450000 2
Brad Lukowich 47 75 67 31 1000000 2
Doug Murray 46 72 65 28 500000 2
Alexei Semenov 54 74 65 27 1350000 3
Brad Norton 33 70 64 33 700000 3
Patrick Traverse 44 63 62 34 575000 3
They are looking for a 1st line defenseman
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Evgeny Nabokov 85 85 81 33 5000000 3
Thomas Greiss 47 51 57 22 450000 2
Taylor Dakers 41 43 54 21 450000 2
Dmitri Pätzold 44 44 52 25 525000 1
Tyson Sexsmith 40 41 52 19 850000 2
Alex Stalock 42 43 52 21 525000 2
Derek MacIntyre 40 41 48 22 450000 2
They are looking for a backup goalie
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr

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